Large White Rose Bouquet


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Product Description:
Immerse yourself in the timeless elegance of our Large White Rose Bouquet. Featuring 20 pristine white roses, this bouquet exudes purity and sophistication. Perfect for conveying heartfelt sentiments, celebrating special occasions, or adding a touch of grace to any event. Each rose is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and freshness, making this bouquet a stunning choice for any occasion.

Bouquet Features:

  • 20 White Roses

Occasions: Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or as a classic gift to express admiration and love.

Affordable Flower Delivery in Dubai: Benefit from our reliable and affordable flower delivery services in Dubai, ensuring your bouquet arrives in perfect condition.

FAQs for Large White Rose Bouquet:

Can the Large White Rose Bouquet be customised with additional flowers?
Yes, you can customise the bouquet to include additional flowers or greenery. Contact us to create a bespoke arrangement.

How should I care for the Large White Rose Bouquet?
To maintain freshness, place the bouquet in a clean vase with fresh water. Trim the stems regularly and replace the water every two days. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and heat.

Is same-day delivery available for the Large White Rose Bouquet in Dubai?
Yes, we offer same-day delivery within Dubai, subject to order timing and availability.

Do you deliver the Large White Rose Bouquet to other Emirates in the UAE?
Yes, we provide delivery to all Emirates in the UAE. Delivery times may vary depending on the location.

Are there any discounts available for this bouquet?
We offer various promotions and discounts. Please check our website or contact us for the latest offers.


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