Purple Yellow White Rose Bouquet


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Product Description:
Add a touch of elegance and vibrant charm with our Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features a delightful mix of 4 yellow roses, 4 purple roses, 4 white roses, 2 stems of Eryngium, and 1 Eustoma. The harmonious blend of colours and textures makes this bouquet perfect for celebrating special occasions or simply expressing your feelings with a burst of colour.

Bouquet Features:

  • Yellow Roses: 4
  • Purple Roses: 4
  • White Roses: 4
  • Eryngium Stems: 2
  • Eustoma: 1

Occasions: Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful gesture of appreciation and love.

Affordable Flower Delivery in Dubai: Enjoy our reliable and affordable flower delivery service in Dubai, ensuring that your bouquet arrives in perfect condition.

FAQs for Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet:

Can I customise the Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet with additional flowers or colours?
Yes, we offer customisation options. Contact us to personalise the bouquet to your preferences.

How should I care for the Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet to keep it fresh?
To keep your bouquet fresh, place it in a clean vase with fresh water. Trim the stems at an angle and change the water every two days. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and heat.

Is same-day delivery available for the Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet in Dubai?
Yes, we offer same-day delivery within Dubai, depending on the time of order and availability.

Do you deliver the Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet to other Emirates in the UAE?
Yes, we deliver to all Emirates in the UAE. Delivery times may vary based on the location.

Are there any promotions or discounts for the Purple, Yellow, and White Rose Bouquet?
We often have promotions and discounts. Check our website or contact us for the latest offers.


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